Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Season 4 Episode 17: Train Stop Play

Mr. Stepney is still visiting the North Western Railway.  He takes a moment to talk to some of the others. Stepney is quit envious of their line. They have plenty of room to run and also get to use trucks. 

Percy is taken back by the suggestion that any engine would want to pull those assholes. But, he gives some of his trucks to Stepney, so he can have a good time.

Psst... I just ripped one, Stepney.

The two engines head off to work. Stepney takes the trucks to the harbor. He then gathers some empty ones to take back. 

On the way, back he sees a cricket game being played. Right above the field, was a signal. 

Stepney was stopped right at it, when the cricket ball flies right into his trucks. Of course, right then the signal drops and they head off.

Notice the cart is now full.

The cricket players yell at them to stop. But, who listens to cricket players? The players hop into their old bat of a car named Caroline, to chase after Stepney.

Caroline is so depressed.

Caroline catches up with Stepney but, he can not hear her tooting. (Put a plug in that tail pipe.) The driver looks over and sees the car following. He just assumes they want to race. He puts Stepney in over drive. 

Caroline is rather annoyed by having to speed up. She claims she is being mistreated in her old age. (Elder abuse!) She sees that Stepney has gone through a tunnel and foolishly thinks this is the end. But, the driver keeps pushing the gas. 

Caroline catches up with Stepney at the station. The players climb out of her, demanding their ball back. One brave man climbs into the the trucks and retrieves it. 

Oops my mistake, this is a ball from a S&M gag.

The players want to head back quickly but, Caroline has overheated.

I'm having a hot flash!

They come up with a plan for Caroline to be pulled on a flat cart by Stepney while the boys ride in a brake van. 

Once at the field, they watch the hot young men play with their ball and swing their bats. The sweat pouring out of their pours was a beautiful sight. It even cheered Caroline up.

Even Bulgy was there.

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