Friday, July 10, 2015

Season 5 Episode 5: James And The Trouble With Trees

Mr. Thomas has been workin' in the coal mine goin' on down, down. He is filthy and all he wants is a bath. But, his driver can't allow that. The hose pipe is down. Thomas begrudgingly heads home to the sheds. 

Why must you sing at my expense?

At the sheds, no one notices that Thomas is a filthy burritos. James, Henry, and Gordon are too busy arguing over who is the pride of the line. *cough, Edward* Excuse me, any how James insists that he is getting a new coat of paint due to The Fat Controller being in love with him. 

Percy explains all this to Thomas, who of course gets jealous. James over hears Thomas' rant and chews him out for looking like scum.

While James was being repainted the next day, good ol' Henry has a little accident. He derails his load of trucks.

Just another day on Sodor.

James who is on a siding, begins to run his mouth about how horrible Henry is at working his trucks. James suggests that Henry go talk to his little tree friends instead of working. 

Henry then puts the curse on James by mentioning that The Fat Controller is looking for trees to close to the line and they will be cut down. 

James insists that he would just run over the trees, like the red neck engine he dreams to be.

Such a smug little asshole

Later that day, James is all painted up and showing off his paint. Percy tired of James' runny mouth, tells him that he wouldn't be such a smug ass if I tree fell on him. (Oh please!)

Terence throws in the double whammy of telling James to be careful. Which James shrugs off and leaves to pull The Express.


Instead once James arrives at the platform, The Fat Controller instructs James to pull a heavy goods train. James tries to weasel his way out of it by using his new paint as an excuse. But, it doesn't work. 

James arrives at the yard to pick up his trucks. The weather has changed for the worst and the trucks are in their mood. One even calls James ugly.

High five!

James sets off. He goes through the woods and up hill. And much to my delight, an old tree by the line is shaking and the ground is slipping. (Come to mama) The tree slide right on rails.

Unfortunately, James stops in time before wrecking. 


They try to reverse James back down the hill but, he was too heavy. Then a cry from a whistle is heard. James' driver cries, "It's Thomas!" Once again, Thomas arrives to save James' ass.

James assumes that Thomas will tease him too. But, Thomas doesn't care he unlike me, is worried about the tree slamming down on James. Thomas pulls James back and the tree falls.

Dammit again!

That evening, James and Thomas have a heart to heart. James confesses that Percy and Terence were correct to warn him. And he thanks Thomas. 

Holy crap, Total Hottie Edward has just arrived! Thank you, thank you! This is my reward for writing this James post!

Edward informs them that they are being rewarded. Thomas is getting new paint and James is going to get to pull The Express. And everyone was like, Yay!

Edward, you made it totally worth sitting through a James episode. 

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