Thursday, May 21, 2015

Season 3 Episode 17: Buzz Buzz

Trevor is out working in the orchard when James stops by. Of course James, reminds Trevor about his red paint by referring to him as "Bright and cheerful as his red paint". Trevor agrees that he is bright and cheerful. 

James interrupts by asking what about a buzzing noise. Trevor explains that they are bees in their hives. The Vicar is giving away some of bees and he is going to take them to station later.

What's on your face there, Trevor?

Boco pulls up and joins the conversation. Boco warns to be careful with bees they like to sting. But James, being a diesel racist doesn't like getting advice from a diesel and puffs away. One can say he was steamed.


Meanwhile, Boco heads to the harbor where Bill and Ben are working. They take one look at him and scatter off. Boco is just too much for them.

Boco pulls up to speak with Duck. Boco remises about Bill and Ben freaking him out back in season 2 with the ol' switcher roo. And how Edward is the only one who can discipline those children. 

Duck states that he calls them bees because, they're so hyper and buzzing around all the time. 

We really should drug them.

James pulls in, still being a total jerkwad. He buts in the conversation with, "Are you afraid of bees, Duck? They're only insects. Don't let that diesel tell you different. I'm a diesel racist. Blah blah."

Duck is upset with James' nastiness to Boco. But, James keeps on going explaining how he would just steam the bees away. 

That's my face too when I have to write a James heavy post for this blog.

The next day, James is at the station waiting to pull his next train. A clumsy porter with some bee hives on his cart, looses his load. The beehive busts open. 

Oh shit!

The passengers and worker clear the area. You would have thunk someone walked in Ebola. James and his crew are left with the same "Oh Shit!" face the porter had. James' crew is swarmed by the bees. The bees then turn to James' boiler. James cries, "Buzz off. Buzz off!" sounding like Micheal Cera. 

One bee burned his foot and then this happened.

The bee filled with rage!

And he stung James on the nose. Alright yes!

That 2D animation really threw me off. Although, that bee is now my hero!  

James and his crew freak out and set off. They didn't notice that they didn't take their coaches. Oh well!

James and crew went off to get rid of the bees. They swing James around on the turntable but, that didn't work. Then they tried to wash them off. Once again, that was a failure. So, they tried steaming them off. NOPE!

James' driver suggest going to the orchard and getting another hive. 

Are you ready for the big comfy couch?

At the orchard, The Vicar was waiting to pray away the bees. And the bees did in fact, swarm off James and into some new hives. 

You be healed!

James' driver suggest that they head home and shower.

The Vicar showed up later the evening to speak with James. He thanks him and then makes fun of him by calling him Rudolph. At that moment, The Vicar became awesome in my eyes.


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