Saturday, May 2, 2015

Season 3 Episode 5: Donald's Duck

Duck is in the shed speaking with The Fat Controller. Turns out, Duck is so awesome he is being awarded his own branch line.

I am going to pee my pants, but I can't!

Duck's new branch line runs along the coast and into a port. Duck goes on a run on his branch line. He loves it. He adjusts quickly and he is busy as bee.

The Fat Controller is building a new station at the port. (Damn, he is making bank.) Duck has been helping with the construction. Bertie and the other engines have been helping also.

Where is he getting this money? The way his railroad runs you'd think he would be handing out refunds left and right.

That night, Duck turns into quite a Thomas. He starts to go on and on about his new responsibility to Donald. Donald cracks at the annoyance and starts to quack at Duck. It was his way of saying shut up.

You broke Donald, Duck.

Duck tells his crew all about how Donald has insulted him by calling him a quacker. Duck and his crew whispered revenge. 

Everyone was busy working in their slave jobs. Duck's revenge had not took place yet. But that night, Duck's crew slip something in Donald's water tank when he sleeping. 

Put some liquor in there. 

The next morning, Donald's crew was filling his water tank up. They noticed there was a little something extra. Duck's crew had kidnapped a baby duckling and put it in his tank. Abuse.

Call PETA!

The Duck became BFFs with Donald and his crew. It was like their deformed duck puppy. But as with all good things, it ended. The duck hopped off at a station one day and stayed. Awe sad story.

But that's not the end. Donald's crew now extracts their revenge. They wait until night fall and put a egg in nest under Duck. Duck's crew find it in the morning and laugh their butts off at it. Duck is surprised to find he is now a single father.

Well, at least the crew will have breakfast.

We also find at the end of story, that Donald's duck is now named Dilly and has a daddy issues. 

Come back, father!

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