Monday, May 25, 2015

Season 3 Episode 22: Oliver Owns Up

This episode starts off with a beautiful montage of Duck and Oliver working the branch line. The two of them are all over their Great Western Heritage. 

Duck and Oliver are at the harbor, having a conversation on how Douglas is Oliver's hero for saving him. It is Oliver's go to story now.

He even tells the other engines it in the shed that night. The engines throw out a bunch of words to describe Oliver. Gordon throws one out that stumps Percy. And this begins the dumbing down of Percy. 

Sorry Percy, it's true.

The next day, Oliver is puffing along the line. He had became very Gordon-like and big headed from all the wonderful things that were said about him.  

Oh no, this island has way too many egos! It is like an island of Kayne Wests. 

We move on to another day, The Fat Controller is at the platform waiting to speak to Oliver. He sentences Oliver to learn about trucks. (He is done for!)

You're screwed!

Every other engine warns Oliver that trucks are not to be trusted. Oliver argues that they do not think he can handle it. Duck once again tries to warn him but, Oliver is too far up his own butt. Donald insists that Duck let it go and roll with it.

Shh! I really want to see someone screw up as bad as I did back in the day.

Oliver heads off to fill up some trucks with coal. He pushes the empty trucks under the shoot. He then came back to take the loaded trucks away. 

I love this doofus truck.

The trucks did not want to move. They protested that Oliver had no right to be moving them. (Hey they are just practicing stranger danger.)

Oliver starts to loose his cool and begins to biff and buff them around. (Big mistake Oliver.) Oliver pulls them out and the trucks, once again plot revenge. 

The trucks begin to push him forward. The driver foolishly applies the brakes instead of accepting their faith. The trucks push Oliver towards the turntable that Duck is on.

Luckily, it is not the same line as the one Oliver is on. Duck watches as Oliver goes butt first into the pit. 

Popping a wheelie, Oliver?

Duck teases Oliver right away. (Note to self, there is no "Are you okay?" with Duck) Duck mentions that Donald and Douglas are going to miss that turntable while it is out of commission.

That night, Oliver is pulled out of the pit while, The Fat Controller watches. Oliver apologizes while dangling in the air. The Fat Controller, who I suspect knew this was going to happen, sends Oliver to The Works. 

Well that was a dirty trick.

After a few days of being fixed, Oliver is home. He learned the lesson that trucks are dick heads. 

The end!

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