Monday, May 4, 2015

Season 3 Episode 8: Diesel Does It Again

Sodor's very own, Eddie Haskell's back. I'm sure Duck is thrilled.

Speaking of Duck, let's check in with him. Duck and Percy have been working at the harbor. The job is beginning to take a toll of them. They are pooped.

The Fat Controller, made a promise that another engine would arrive to help out. But, he didn't say who.

Well good morning Duck, what a nice funnel you're wearing. 

Duck gasps at the site of Diesel. Diesel explains that he was sent to shunt some trucks. Percy is very suspicious of Diesel. Diesel sets off and bumps some trucks very hard just to make a point.

Percy and Duck were horrified that The Fat Controller was cruel enough to send Diesel back. The two go on strike.

Demand pretzels!

The Fat Controller was in his office devouring an iced bun when the telephone rang. Of course, it was trouble and he sets out.

Diesel meanwhile is working, yet loudly. The harbor was a mess and once again people were complaining about The Fat Controller's railway.

The Wal-Mart of Railways.

The Fat Controller arrives to speak to Percy and Duck. They explain that they refuse to work with Diesel. Duck cries that he was promised he was sent away. The Fat Controller voices he, believes in second chances. After getting chewed out, Percy and Duck return to work. 

The next morning, Diesel's driver forgets to set his brakes. Diesel rolls forward and bumps Percy. Percy is frightfully surprised. Diesel does not apologize and this upsets Percy.

No comment....

Later that day, Diesel bumps some fully loaded trucks and spills the cargo. Duck and Percy, ponder what The Fat Controller will say. Diesel tells Duck and Percy not to be snitches. The two never say a word.

Taking advantage of this, Diesel goes on doing more asinine things. He bumps some trucks right into the harbor.

Oops, I did it again. I played your trucks. They got lost in the harbor.

The Fat Controller, gets the phone call. He heads to the harbor to rip out Diesel's engine. 

Duck and Percy look on with glee.

The Fat Controller with a crazed look in his eye, tells Diesel he will not be inviting him back. (Where's Maury?)

That's better

Duck and Percy no longer care that they are over worked. As long as they don't have to work with Diesel. 

You took me away from my iced bun, one too many times!

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