Saturday, April 18, 2015

Season 2 Episode 8: Duck Takes Charge

Percy is still teasing Gordon and James. Today he is playing the "Do You Know What?" game. After pissing Gordon off in record time Percy explains that the work in the yard is too much for him and The Fat Controller is getting him a helper. James does not believe Percy and gives him a G-rated cuss out.

Be careful James, you don't want your face to fall off again.

Percy heads off to fetch coaches. While working he reminisces on the signal incident and how now everyone thinks he is a fool. Percy swears he'll show them.

Percy poops himself out by the end of the afternoon. He brings some coaches to the station where The Fat Controller is waiting for him.

He is always there.

The Fat Controller comments on how tired his slave is. He then tells Percy to "Cheer up sleepy Jean, the new engine is bigger and can handle this." He then asks Percy, "If he would like to build his new harbor? Thomas and Toby, will be slaving away also."
Percy says he will. And he heads off.

Percy was so tired, that he too was loosing his face.

The new engine arrived and he's a cutie. 

You'll like me now. But when I go away for awhile and come back most of you will hate me.

The engine introduces himself as Montague but you can call him, "Duck". Because he is a waddler. 

Percy arrives to met Duck. The Fat Controller tells Percy to show duck around. James, Henry, and Gordon watch Duck work. Henry remarks that, "He is simple."

Do you have piece of kipper in your eye?

James wants to order Duck about and the three amigos gang up on Duck. They start quacking and steam him. Oh come on, I hate watching bullying. Even with model engines. 

Get them Duck!

Percy was as piss as I am. Duck is quite Edward about it and insists they will tire of it. He asks Percy if they do it to them too. Percy agrees they do. Duck and Percy, then conspire. 

The Fat Controller is at his desk looking forward to tea time. Well, that is a mistake. Suddenly, he hears, "Weeeeeessssssssshhhhhh" and pigs snorting. He looks out his window and sees Percy blocking the turn table. 

Why can't it ever be hoards of bacon out there?

He hurries out to the yard. The Fat Controller commands, the noise to stop. Duck being the noob is approached to explain the behavior. Duck goes on about being a Great Western Engine, blah blah blah, and that The Fat Controller should actually inform Gordon, James, and Henry who is the boss. 

You know run the railway all the time, not just when something is wrong.

The Fat Controller looses his temper. He lectures Percy and  Duck on causing a disturbance. And then moves onto Gordon, James, and Henry. He rips them a new one. About time!

After Percy went to work on the harbor, Duck was on his own. And he conquered. Well Of course, Duck is almost as awesome as Edward in my books. 

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