I'm begging you. My Tripadvisor score is dropping.
Thomas is off to shunt trucks into their place. Thomas notices some cranes. His driver explains that they are called, "Breakdown Trains. They pick up engines and trucks in accidents."
Why do I feel like The Fat Controller needs 50 of these things?
Accident free for 1 day
We time travel to another day, Thomas is still shunting trucks. All the sudden we are interrupted by some red engine being tormented by the trucks. He can not stop and his brakes are on fire.
They're trying to kill me!
The engine's name is James. James disappears and Thomas looks on with derp eyes and his mouth wide open.
The alarm sounds, James has derailed. Time for that breakdown crane. Whoop Whoop! Thomas couples himself to the cranes and sets off to save James.
I'm just taking a nap!
James' crew is feeling him up, I mean checking him out to see if he was hurt. He is alright. Apparently, he has wooden brakes. Is this the peg leg equivalent for an engine?
Thomas arrives and parks the crane and removes the unhurt trucks. This has always puzzled me. Why are the trucks always trying to wreck engines when most of the time they destroy themselves?
Once the trucks are removed they set to putting James back on track.
I believe I can fly
James is paralyzed from his wreck and Thomas must help him back to the shed. The Fat Controller is at the shed waiting for them. He tells Thomas, "I can't believe you didn't screw up today. You are a very useful engine. James is going off to get some real brakes and Thomas you are getting a branch line." Oh geez, Thomas can't mess that up can he?
Thomas receives two coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
I have dirty eyes
Thomas is never lonely on his new line, Edward and Henry deliver the news to him. But the best part is, Gordon rushes through and says, "Poop Poop!"
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