James one day finally makes Toby snap. And what does Toby do to get back at James? Well, he brings up the bootlace incident. I personally would have went with a lot kids think James is a lady but, bootlaces work.
Oh but you make such a pretty lady.
James snorts off to drop his coaches off and switch to trucks. He was set to pull a slow good train, which he hates more then Toby. They are also dirty.
James goes about picking up more and more trucks until he has a long train. And of course James in his mood, bumps the trucks so roughly they want to pay it forward.
He starts up Gordon's hill where he should have pinned his breaks but, being an angry guy in this episode he forgets it.
I can't wait for disaster!
James' driver tries to remind James. James just goes on ignoring him. He has to think of the next nasty thing he can say to Toby. The trucks see their chance and start to push James down the hill.
Oh shit!
James hurls down the hill and through the station. And we see some tar trucks ahead. Disaster is bond to happen. And wait for it.... We get it!
Ah, here it goes!
I must note that this may be the best crash this season/series. James had a lot of bounce in this one.
So beautiful I had to make a GIF
Luckily or unluckily depending on how you look at it, James is more dirty then hurt. Toby and Percy arrive to help with the clean up.
Once Toby sees James, he goes in for the kill. He tells Percy, "That he sees a dirty object."
Drum roll please
Toby and Percy help with the clean up and then help a crippled James home. At home, The Fat Controllers pops out of nowhere late in this episode. The Fat Controller mocks James a bit and tells him that he is too dirty to be seen. And he awards Toby and Henrietta Pussycat new paint.
Toby unhitches from James and runs off. We are left with the image of James pouting.
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