Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Season 3 Episode 1: A Scarf For Percy

Season 3 starts off a little cold. And by that, I mean it's a cold and windy winter on the Island Of Sodor. Thomas and Percy even have a hobo set up to keep them warm. 

And pet hobos to go with.

Thomas is complaining that fire lighter is late. Percy states that the cold actually woke them up early. The two decide to talk about something else besides the cold. Percy wants to talk about sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. You know warm things. Then it happens, scarves pop in Percy's brain. Thomas teases Percy for the idea and of course, Percy thinks Thomas said it was great. 


Meanwhile at The Fat Controller's house, he is enjoying breakfast in his nice warm house, while his engines are dyeing from the cold.  His wife has ironed his brand new special pants for some VIPs visiting his railway. The Fat Controller plans to change at the station into his bulge enhancing pants. 

There they are, my special egg plant pants.

Percy at this time, is out doing his work. His mind is not on work though. Nope he is thinking about scarves. All around, the stations he sees people wearing them. 

He then puffs up to Henry and starts to whine about wanting a scarf. Henry pretty much says it is stupid. Percy retorts by mentioning that his funnel is long suitable for scarves and Henry has short funnel. <---- Insert Penis Joke. Percy then puffs away.

ExtenZe, Henry?

Henry is set to pull a special train. While the VIPs are on the platform taking pictures. The Fat Controller is also on the platform waiting to change into his pimping pants. 

He was also prairie dogging it.

The pants are on a baggage cart being pulled across the rails. (Oh what can happen?) 

Percy on the other hand, is still being a cheeky monkey. Percy was just outside the station and he wanted to prank the coaches. He started to sneak in quietly to surprise them. And guess what? The porters didn't hear him come in either. Percy runs right into the luggage cart. Clothes and boxes go flying. 

I saw that coming a mile away.

Even some jam was flying. The jam lands on Percy, the passengers, and The Fat Controller. Percy had extra baggage on him too for bonus points. He had a top hat on his buffer and The Fat Controller's pants on his funnel. 

Wild night?

The Fat Controller is ticked off, he grabs his top hat from Percy's buffer. He starts to lecture Percy on playing tricks. And for the first time I remember, reimburses his passengers for their ruined clothes. 

Percy backs off to the yard. Percy passes James on the way there. James makes fun of Percy for his new pants scarf. James then leaves to spread the word of what a dumb ass Percy is.

Percy should have brought up the tar.

That night, Thomas and Percy are resting in the shed. Percy's driver hosed down Percy and he was looking marvelous. 

Henry puffs in and tells Percy, "It is going to warmer tomorrow he won't need a scarf."

Percy replies he doesn't need one.

My funnel is still bigger then yours.

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